SHOOKS FARMS CO LLC. G.A.P. Policy (P1 to P2)

Shooks Farms Co. LLC. Is a generational farm which was established started in 1914. Operating in that amount of time has made us mindful of the importance of food safety, in our farming operations and is proud that Shooks Farms received verification for MEAP (Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program) in 2008. Our food safety plan goal is to implement the objectives outlined in the USDA’s Food & Drug Administration’s “Guide to Minimize Microbial good Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables” and the USDA’s GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Verification Audit.
While one orchard does have the livestock barn located in a close proximity, efforts have been in place to stop any contamination. All areas in that location have a grass buffer zone located between the barn and the cherry trees. At no time is any manure from the cattle operation spread in any of the orchard sites.
Shooks Farms is unique in the fact that its work force is made up almost entirely of family members. During the harvest period it will sometimes employ a couple of high school students. From time to time it is possible to have the need to hire 2-5 migrant workers, primarily to hand harvest small fruit trees.
The maintenance of all equipment is performed on a yearly basis. After harvest the equipment is inspected for leaks and other problems that may render them unsuitable and at that time is repaired for the next harvest season. After inspection all equipment is washed down and a through rinsing process, allowed to dry, then stored properly for each type of equipment used for the harvest season.
Wildlife control is performed in a variety of ways. The use of fences, deterrence’s, and driving around orchard edges, as well as other measures are employed. Occasionally, we will implement the use of department of natural resources regulated permits for deer control.
To minimize the rodent population the practice of keeping orchard floors mowed and the use of an integrated pest management scout to recommend proper herbicide control are in use. A natural method of suppressing rodents is the use of American kestrel birdhouses located near the orchards.
We have designated and administrator and coordinator for implementation and oversight of the food safety plan they are as follows:
Supervisor: Greg Shooks
This food safety plan is supplied to all staff and is available to visitors.
While one orchard does have the livestock barn located in a close proximity, efforts have been in place to stop any contamination. All areas in that location have a grass buffer zone located between the barn and the cherry trees. At no time is any manure from the cattle operation spread in any of the orchard sites.
Shooks Farms is unique in the fact that its work force is made up almost entirely of family members. During the harvest period it will sometimes employ a couple of high school students. From time to time it is possible to have the need to hire 2-5 migrant workers, primarily to hand harvest small fruit trees.
The maintenance of all equipment is performed on a yearly basis. After harvest the equipment is inspected for leaks and other problems that may render them unsuitable and at that time is repaired for the next harvest season. After inspection all equipment is washed down and a through rinsing process, allowed to dry, then stored properly for each type of equipment used for the harvest season.
Wildlife control is performed in a variety of ways. The use of fences, deterrence’s, and driving around orchard edges, as well as other measures are employed. Occasionally, we will implement the use of department of natural resources regulated permits for deer control.
To minimize the rodent population the practice of keeping orchard floors mowed and the use of an integrated pest management scout to recommend proper herbicide control are in use. A natural method of suppressing rodents is the use of American kestrel birdhouses located near the orchards.
We have designated and administrator and coordinator for implementation and oversight of the food safety plan they are as follows:
Supervisor: Greg Shooks
This food safety plan is supplied to all staff and is available to visitors.